The latest (and finally) edition of “The essentials of Business Communication” is now available from Crain’s. For almost ten years, the Magazine has been a trusted business guide and reference for Wall Street, the Business Executive, Public Relations Executives, Marketing Managers, Sales Executives, Human Resources Managers, and DBA Consultants. In the new (and 11th) edition, the authors once again have applied the “Bible” format to this important marketing tool. They have dug deep to cover all the bases in communications and have provided many new and unique insights into this most essential marketing tool. This book once again is a best seller and an essential reference for the communications market.
- The authors begin with an introduction to the essentials of business communication and continue with a discussion about three themes in particular: interpersonal communications skills, visual communications skills, and technical communications skills. After an interesting and thorough review of the e-mail and Internet marketing essentials, the authors conclude their essentials of business communication with a discussion of finance and the media, including social media, search engine optimization, and “New Media.” The final chapter provides some practical advice about how to develop and maintain your brand identity. The entire book is filled with practical advice on what topics you should consider and add to your business plan and what you should avoid. There are also helpful appendices that provide current case studies, a glossary of business terms, and a comprehensive index.
- The authors of the latest (and 11th edition) edition of “The essentials of business, 11th edition” recognize that the Internet has changed the landscape of marketing. As a result, they have gone back to basics and reviewed each of the main topics that they previously addressed. Each chapter begins with an introduction and discussion of key terms. After an explanation of the concepts and terminology, the next few chapters cover the topics of managing time, communicating goals and objectives, setting priorities, keeping schedules, networking, communicating, working with others, and using technology. The remaining topics include managing technology, building organizational capital, and defining success.
- I really like this latest edition of the “The essentials of business, 11th edition” series. The editors spend far more time on each topic than in previous editions, and that makes the text easier to understand. And this version includes a test bank. Test bank topics include strategic management, financial analysis, financial reporting, brand identity, branding, communication, and conflict resolution.
- As part of the “The essentials of business, 11th edition,” the editors have added a new chapter on “MIS/MIS Testing.” In previous editions, we have been taught to perform miscellaneous tests, but not with the same degree of rigor as what the test banks perform. Now we learn what the test banks look for and how to pass the tests. The authors explain why it is important to keep a good balance between test performance and cost.
I think these changes have made this an easier book to read, review, and learn from. I also really like the new test bank at the end of the chapter. It is a nice touch that makes me want to read the whole thing again just to be sure that all concepts are explained. This is essential of business communication, however, the changes in this text make it a slightly weaker edition of the basics of business communication.